version available

System Requirements
  • A web site hosted with a working domain name
  • PHP5.5.x or greater
    — register_globals OFF
    — safe_mode OFF
    — max_execution_time = 0
    — cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1 (for CGI/FastCGI)
    — MySQL extension
    — IMAP extension
    — cURL extension
    — GD extension
    — Open SSL extension
    — JSON extension
  • MySQL 5.1 or greater (InnoDb type used)
  • FTP access for installing and configuring arpReach
  • Ability to create and run "command line" cron/scheduled tasks (http / wget not suitable)
  • Local MTA (Sendmail, Exim etc), or local or remote SMTP provider
  • GoDaddy has been removed from the list of compatible hosts.


    arpReach™ Links
    Owner : arpReach
    Main page
    Order page
    License Manager
    Upgrade and Support Center

    arpReach™ installation*

    * Please check your License status. The latest version is available only when your upgrade/support plan has not expired.

    The Service is On Hold

    This form will help me to install your arpReach™, if there is anything you're not sure about please contact your webhosting company before completing this form.
    Your Firstname:
    Your Lastname:
    Your Email Address:
    (Please avoid using free email addresses like "Yahoo" or "Hotmail" as they're often difficult to deliver to)
    Your payment order number:
    (This should be emailed to you by  
  • arpReach™ purchase License
  • License Number:
    License Password:
    Please do not forget to register your software copy at first.
    Activation Code:
  • Your website details
  • Homepage of Your Hosting Company:
    What is your control panel url:
    Control panel username:
    Control panel password:
    Enter your CPanel, Plesk, Webmin, Hosting Center, ... details.
    Domain name:
    FTP login username:
    FTP password:
  • Your MySQL database
  • Would you like me to set your MySQL database up for you?
    MySQL Database name:
    Database username:
    Database password:
    MySQL host name (optional):
  • Your arpReach system details you'd like to use
  • Admin Password (login password):
    Admin Email (for reports to you):
    Support contacts you provide your subscribers / customers
    Support web-Page:
    Support Email:
    You will be able to change all this details at any time.
  • Is there anything else you can tell me about this installation?
  • I have Read and Agree to the Service Provision Agreement Terms.
    Please note:
    arpReach™ software must be purchased from the author or reseller before I begin the installation. All software is "installed" or "upgraded" at the owners risk.